Tuesday, March 20, 2007

For Ever And Ever

I do not know how to distinguish between our waking life and a dream. Are we not always living the life that we imagine we are. Thoreau

Leandra Elna, better known as "Beetjie". Annie's daughter and the most photogenic and delightful child I have ever photographed. Without fail, she would manage to uplift everyone and anyone around her with her confidence, sense of humour and imagination. Often she would choose the settings and "poses" for herself and all the other kids. I always took her advice!

In my work, imagination often takes first place. I sometimes see the pictures before I take the shot, even hours or days before and it stays with me until I am satisfied that I have achieved what I set out to portray. Being a painter as well has been only beneficial to my photography. Even in dreams I see something, I remember it and try to create the vision in reality, always listening and watching people like Beetjie who never fail to inspire and humble me with their honesty and dignity.

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