Friday, July 13, 2007

Hendrik Erasmus

"In a gentle way, you can shake the world"
Mahatma Ghandi

Hendrik, the "Oupa" (Grandfather) of the village. A gentleman, a man of great faith and love. Always the children in his home, his gentle advice and guidance alongside him his beloved wife, Maria. A music lover, a confidante, a father, grandfather, and husband...a friend.

Hendrik is the first person I met amongst these folk of "Rooi Rivier" farm and I often spend time in their little home just chatting. he knows the history of all the family's here and if there is ever a book, he will help me write about the folks. Hendrik recently had a stroke but is recovering well and is strong.

It's good to be home..but I also wish to thank the people of Australia for being so kind and welcoming to me, especially my family...

In the meantime, I carry on my Klein Karoo Series and learn more about these gentle people and hopefully I can capture them as they really are in my documentary series.

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