Sunday, September 16, 2007

Little Flower

"Peace is always beautiful"
Walt Whitman (1819-1892)Leaves of Grass
This little girl is "Beetjie, six years old, sister of Selwyn and daughter of Annie. She has a delightful character and is truly a positive child, a happy child.
She loves flowers and will often pick them when I take pictures of her and then decide her own poses. On one occasion she even decided to eat them, she has a wonderful sense of humour!
Even though she does not live in the village anymore she occasionally visits and is only too happy to see me and do all her poses for the camera. She loves to sing and dance and I will always have a picture in my mind of this little girl running along the fence at dusk singing "Shosholoza".
I expect Beetjie will grow up to be a famous actress or singer, I have no doubt she has the confidence and talent!
Leandra, Beetjie...Little Flower...